Erectile Dysfunction Treatment London
Our Erectile Dysfunction treatment London clinic addresses the underlying issues and not just the symptoms.
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the most common sex problem that men report to their doctor. It affects as many as 30 million men.
ED is defined as trouble getting or keeping an erection that’s firm enough for sex. Though it’s not rare for a man to have some problems with erections from time to time, ED that is progressive or happens routinely with sex is not normal, and it should be treated.
ED can happen:
- Most often when blood flow in the penis is limited or nerves are harmed
- With stress or emotional reasons
- As an early warning of a more serious illness, like: atherosclerosis (hardening or blocked arteries), heart disease, high blood pressure or high blood sugar from Diabetes
Finding the cause(s) of your ED will help treat the problem and help with your overall well-being. As a rule, what’s good for your heart health is good for your sex health. Emotional factors will also be taken into consideration as well as nutrition and lifestyle factors.
Erectile dysfunction treatment London clinic is personalised for each patient. We offer natural treatment based on the results of carefully chosen non-invasive functional medicine tests and have had many successes. We do not have a one size fits all approach.
We also have a natural approach to treating stress. The pressures of work, family or relationships can all play a part in this very stressful condition, which so often leads to the man losing his self-confidence and becoming depressed. This often works against him as fear can kick in every time and make the situation even more difficult for him. This cycle needs to be broken.
There is a natural supplement for Erectile Dysfunction that has helped a lot of our patients and ideally should be taken initially for at least three months, at which point it would be wise to have your testosterone level checked by your GP. It is called Tribulus Forte.
There can of course be other health reasons, apart from low testosterone levels, causing this stressful condition. It would be wise to see your doctor to be checked out in case there is a cardiovascular problem or other health issue.
What is Tribulus Forte?
Tribulus Forte contains an extract of the medicinal plant Tribulus terrestris to support healthy vitality, stamina and reproductive function. It is traditionally used to:
- Help support normal reproductive function in men
- Help support normal hormone production in men
- Promote vitality and stamina
- Support physical endurance
This natural product is licensed by the UK Government and standardized to ensure optimal strength and quality. You can buy it here.
If you would like to book an appointment
Contact Deborah’s Medical Secretary for an appointment