Harley Street IBS Clinic London
A 26 year old male presenting at Guardian featured IBS Clinic London with very severe IBS
Symptoms: severe abdominal pain, 6-10+ bowel movements daily, faecal incontinence, acid reflux, depression, bloating, excess gas and 4st overweight:
“I was being treated within the NHS by my GP and then at a local hospital for well over a year but it wasn’t helping me at all.
The NHS diagnosed me with chronic IBS, which is an “umbrella” term they give to patients, which sounds better than actually admitting they didn’t have a clue what was wrong or why I was in so much pain. The NHS failed me by not finding what was wrong, what caused the pain in the first place, and they gave me no advice whatsoever on how to control my pain, other than the use of NHS drugs. After being diagnosed with chronic IBS, they simply discharged me and left me on a multitude of antibiotics and strong painkillers that made my stomach worse, and other medication that did not help, which I would probably require for the rest of my life. They simply said, “There is nothing more we can do”.
The day I left the Consultants office, I had no hope of ever being able to live a normal life. I was 25 and a non-smoker, and I did not drink alcohol at all. I was in a relationship that was breaking down because of my bad moods and depression and I had low self-esteem, caused by the constant pain. At this point I was desperate. I was off sick from work for months during and was about to lose my job because I was unable to control my bowel movements. I would have a bowel movement up to 10 times a day, sometimes even more.
I would leave home in the morning to go to work and have to return home before even arriving at work because I was in so much pain or soiled. I had to take spare clothes and washing kit to work or leave work halfway through the day due to being in so much pain.The pain was beyond anything I have ever experienced and no one could tell me why or help. I was living an absolute nightmare. I was collapsing frequently due to excruciating pain so my parents said I should try to find an IBS specialist.
When I met Deborah at Harley Street IBS Clinic London, I was suffering with unbearable abdominal pain all day, every day, no matter what I ate, and even if I didn’t eat. And it did get to the point where I was afraid to eat. I was in agony and had no quality of life whatsoever.
That all changed when I started treatment with Deborah. Even at my very first visit, she gave me a detailed breakdown of her suspicions as to what she believed was causing my pain. She advised me to have tests done to confirm this. She gave me hope she would be able to devise a treatment plan which would help reduce my pain and allow me to regain some control of my life. From tests carried out, Deborah’s suspicions were confirmed. I adopted a treatment plan containing natural medicine and was given detailed information as to what foods I should be eating, and importantly what foods to avoid.
Once I started following her guidance, it was clear to me things were starting to change. It took about a month for the chronic pain to begin to ease off, and as the months went by, not only was I not in so much pain, my bowel movements were decreasing and I was starting to believe one day I would be better. Approximately 1 year on, I am able to work full-time again.
Since the start of treatment, I have lost approximately four stone in weight, just by eating the food I was advised to, without any exercise at all. Deborah said she could help me, if I followed her advice exactly. She could see how serious my condition was and how depressed I was about my situation, and she kept to her word. I am astounded everyday, when I think of where I was in my life just over a year ago, and how depressed I was at that time.
Today I can now train in the gym four times a week, I am still with my wonderful girlfriend expecting our first child later this year, and I have become such a fitter happier person. Deborah has not only given me back my life, but she has given me the tools to be able to take care of myself for the rest of my life. I am forever grateful, thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Daniel – London
Harley Street IBS Clinic London